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Class Act



Hollow High

School, The


New York

"Mall girl" Tiffany

sings her way to

the top of the


(Touch or click
on photo below.)


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Now, hear this sample of

Tiffany performing "Walk

Away While You Can," a

track from: Hold an Old

Friend's Hand (her 2nd

platinum album--of her

1st two!). Just click on or

touch her photo below:


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Both at the start of--and at

the end of--this video, enjoy

Tiffany's unique trademark:

she's a great singer of "covers"

(remakes) of '60s rock hits!



If you ever shopped at

You weren't alone!


(Touch or click on link

above to learn more!)



Have you ever

seen the 1988 film:

To see a film sample,

touch or click on

its name above!

This web page has received input from
SHHS alumni, including one or more
in attendance during 1988. It has no
formal connection to the Class of 1988.

Who remembers

these 1988 Class

officers (Sopho-

more year)?

Eileen Kraft

Simone Pam

Jessica Viera

Stephanie Rose


We bet some of their

classmates are check-

ing News Feeds on



(Public Facebook URLs

follow--NO Facebook

is necessary.)



If a box appears,

touch or click the

'X' to see info.

If you are using a phone--

but aren't a Facebook mem-

ber--may I suggest using the

FIREFOX browser when view-

ing these SHHS Class pages?

(It works for me!)

If a request appears--

to open another app--

hit the cancel button.


To join this group,
sign-on to Facebook
& type-in this URL:

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Download four files,

and sample some

(Sophomore) shots!

(If on Windows: right click,
then choose "save link as.")


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(Broadway at Main St.; just

our little bit of heaven!)



(Now, below:)


Is this the famous
'Rosie the Riveter'?


(Click on photo--below--
to find out more!)

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Who would have guessed? A

real gal named Rosina was a

riveter at G.M. during WW II!


Now Our



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Industrial Arts


Mr. William


M.A., SUNY Oswego





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May 31, 1988

Not yet graduation day,

but it just happened to

be--the 23rd birthday

of--Brooke Shields!


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Looking back on her

adolescence, she waxed

almost poetic that day:

"I don't know what all

the fuss was about! I'm

really just the Girl Next

Door. If you don't be-

lieve me, ask my neigh-

bors--the Rockefellers!"

P.S.: Just kidding--Gotta love her!



Watch a rare feature-

film scene: where two

actors walk across our

Main Street--from

the Music Hall to the

(Touch or click on the res-

taurant's name above.)


See more Tarrytown
& NT photos on the

Touch or click--above--or




Rain Man was the

top movie in 1988.


On television, The

Cosby Show was

(again) the most

popular program.

